

Tecno Nomos desk, part of the famous series of the same name. An icon of industrial design designed by Norman Foster, highly recognizable by its elegant reticular support structure, conceived by the British archistar as a small piece of architecture. This desk is characterized by an ultra-resistant top in white HPL, with black edges and interior, black powder-coated structure. The desk rests on a beam, supported on one side by the characteristic Nomos leg and on the other by a chest of drawers in black painted metal. Thanks to the modularity of the Nomos system, the desk can be completely disassembled and can be assembled with the chest of drawers on the right or on the left. Extremely sturdy, stable and solid desk, in very good condition. Small signs of the time of little relevance. When ordering, please communicate your preference so as to receive the desk prepared for assembly in the desired configuration.

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Dimensions 160 × 80 × 73 cm


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