Born in Milan in the 80s, I have been passionate about drawing and art history since I was a child. After my artistic high school diploma, somewhat by chance, I enrolled in the Design faculty of the Milan Polytechnic University, where I developed my interest in design and in particular in the historical and cultural aspects of industrial products and furnishings. It became almost inevitable for me, in the years to come, to start collecting design pieces, rummaging in markets, improvised warehouses, in abandoned offices of large companies that have been closed down for years, just to unearth objects from the past and give them a new life. Quality objects, in terms of design, materials and construction, which I feel the urgency of “saving” from oblivion, or worse, from the jaws of an incinerator.
Not knowing how to give up compulsively accumulating every interesting piece that came my way, after having filled up my house and garage so much that I had to park the car on the street, I start selling part of my collection, a bit for fun. In the meantime I was working as a designer for a company, but what started as a “game” escalated rapidly and in 2020 I rent my first warehouse and started with my business. It was a hectic time, I got up early in the morning and dedicated myself to my passion for a few hours, then the all day in the office and in the evening before going home I was often out and about “saving” fantastic objects to enrich my collection. Things worked out and after a year I left my old job to devote myself entirely to my passion. At the beginning of 2021 I bought my second warehouse… that’s already full too, help!


Design Pusher deals with design furniture, not just vintage.
We like to give a new life to quality furniture products, both vintage, antique and rare, and still in production. Too often objects that have a value and still fulfill their function perfectly are set aside and condemned to oblivion, or worse end up in the waste bin. It is a pity that chairs, lamps, and other useful and fascinating objects collect dust in a cellar, when they can once again be useful and embellish the home of those who know how to appreciate them.
Here you will find vintage, space age, postmodern, mid-century furniture, design icons of yesterday, and lesser-known, rare and therefore perhaps even more interesting products, but also contemporary, used and reconditioned furniture, some even new and in their original packaging.
Objects designed to be beautiful and functional, but above all to last over time, do not deserve a premature end.
Long live the upcycle, the reuse, the enhancement of solid and quality products, which know how to age well, against the sick logic of disposable and rapid or, worse still, programmed obsolescence. A sustainable lifestyle is also built in this way.